Clinical Negligence Claims Solicitors

Unfortunately the care provided by medical practitioners does not always meet the standard to be expected and more and more often, patients are being harmed or injured as a result of the care they have received. It may be the case that such harm or injury could have been avoided and if so, you could be entitled to a claim for compensation.

Bringing about a claim for clinical negligence may often seem complex and daunting but here at Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited, our highly experienced specialist clinical negligence team aim to make the process as easy and non-complex as possible.

What can you claim for…

Delay in diagnosis

Delay in diagnosis these types of claims can include; delays in being referring for investigations or specialist review resulting in your diagnosis and most importantly, your treatment being delayed. The consequences of such delays could be extended pain and suffering, lifelong effects or even death.

Before undergoing any medical procedure, no matter how large or small, your consent needs to be obtained. During the consent process you should be advised of all of the risks involved in undergoing the procedure – the purpose of this is to enable you to make a fully informed decision. A failure to warn of a risk may well be negligent on the part of the treating clinician.

Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries can occur as a result of a trauma to the spine or as a result of progressive condition. Spinal injuries need to be treated quickly and thoroughly to prevent long term damage such as partial or complete paralysis, loss of bladder or bowel control or continuous pain.

Cancer Claims

Cancer affects more than 1 in 5 people in the UK. It is proven that the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment implemented the chance of recovery is greatly improved. However more and more often symptoms of cancer are being overlooked, misdiagnosed and the Claimant is not being referred for urgent treatment they require. The consequences of the same can be catastrophic.

Orthopaedic Injury

Claims for orthopaedic injuries arise following failure/delay in diagnosis, failure/delay to implement appropriate treatment or possibly negligence that occurred during surgery or post-operative treatment. Such negligence can be debilitating upon the patient and have lifelong severe consequences.

Surgical Negligence

Undergoing surgery at any time is often high risk and daunting for the patient. Your life is placed in the hands of surgeons and the last thing you expect is for the surgeon to have made a mistake during the procedure or the anaesthetic errors to occur. If you have suffered an injury during surgery, please contact us to discuss if you have a claim further.

Dental Negligence

Mistakes made during dentistry, or within the growing cosmetic dentistry field can leave lasting injuries & distress. Some dental negligence claims can be made for situations such as tooth loss, gum damage & issues with teeth straightening & braces. If you have suffered at a dentist’s practice or orthodontist then you may be able to make a claim.


Medical misdiagnosis occurs when a healthcare professional has advised you that you have or in some cases do not have an illness or injury. As a result incorrect treatment may put into place and as a patient you will suffer. Great trust is placed in the healthcare professionals and rightly so you should expect a thorough examination and correct diagnosis to be made. Failure on behalf of the healthcare profession to complete this may entitle you to bring about a claim.

Optical Negligence

Two types of claims – failure to complete comprehensive examination resulting in misdiagnosis of an eye condition and failure to provide appropriate treatment &/or prescription.

Pressure Sores

Pressure sores often occur in patients who are immobilised for a significant period of time. It is the responsibility of the healthcare provider to undertake regular risk assessments upon all patients to identify whether they are at risk of developing pressure sores and to implement appropriate treatment to prevent the same. Pressure sores can still happen despite the best care being provided however if you have suffered from pressure sores, please contact us to discuss whether you have a claim.

Diabetic Claims

Diabetes is a serious lifelong condition that affects a large proportion of the country and can be life threatening if incorrectly diagnosed treated and/or managed. Although there is no known cure for diabetes the condition can be managed and the patient can be expected to live a full and normal life. However failures to diagnose, treat or manage diabetes can often result in kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, brain injury, loss of sight or more commonly amputation of limbs. Our specialist team are on hand to discuss your circumstances, advise with regards to a diabetic claim and assist with rehabilitation where required.


Nearly all of the medical and dental negligence cases brought by Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited are funded on a “No Win, No Fee” basis.

A “No Win, No Fee” agreement also known as a conditional fee agreement, means that you do not have to pay costs on account of our work and disbursements incurred on your behalf to pursue your claim.

If we are successful in your case, legal costs are mainly covered by the Defendant, and we charge a success fee of up to 25% from the compensation monies received on your behalf.

If after taking your case on, we do not win it for you, then providing you comply with our terms and conditions of business, you do not pay anything.


If you feel you have been affected by any treatment (or lack thereof) from any medical profession, then for free no obligation advice call our specialist negligence team on 0151 264 7363, or email us.


In the event you need to contact us outside normal office opening hours please call the out of hours no. 077152 06985. In the unlikely event that you cannot get through on this number, please leave a message or text providing your contact telephone number and your call will be returned within a few minutes.